PT. Delta Djakarta

  • Jl. Inspeksi Tarum Barat, Setiadarma, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

  • Pristinz Sunshield Film 50

  • 4,5 sqm


One of the major players in the Indonesian beer industry.

First established in 1932 as a German brewery called “Archipel Brouwerij, NV.” and later adopting its current name in 1970, PT. Delta Djakarta is one of the major players in Indonesian beer industry. It is known for producing popular brands such as Anker, Carlsberg, San Miguel, and Kuda Putih. In 1997, the company has decided to relocate its brewery from North Jakarta to its current location in Tambun, Bekasi.


The Problem

After experiencing solar heat problem, the company decided to use double-layered window film to reduce the heat.

While it drastically reduce the heat, as the test result show, it made the indoor very dark due to lack of visible light transmitted from outside.

See image for the breakdown of the problem.


The Solution: Pristinz Sunshield Film 50

To address the issue, we decided to install Pristinz Sunshield Film 50 (VLT 50%) to reduce heat effectively while keeping high visibility to outside.


The Result


Lab Test in National University of Singapore (NUS)

The existing two-layered window film test results show that it can reduce VLT to almost zero, but it doesn't perform well in reducing IR transmission.

Sunshield 5, 20, and 35 has difference in VLT level, but all of it can reduce IR transmission up to 90% at its entire wavelengths.


See the installation footage for PT. Delta Djakarta


PDW Architects Office