Global Prestasi School

  • Jl. KH. Noer Ali No.10B, Jakasampurna, Kec. Bekasi Barat, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17145

  • Pristinz Sunshield Film 5 (VLT 5%)

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International school committed to delivering high-quality education.

Global Prestasi School, or GPS, is known as a high-quality international school dedicated to delivering exceptional education to its students. Global Prestasi School has two branches located in Bandung and Bekasi. PRISTINZ Solutions had the opportunity to address a solar heat issue at the Global Prestasi School Bekasi branch.


The Problem

Due to windows facing directly west, there is a high solar heat problem in GPS classrooms.

Kids are having trouble focusing on classes, and even though the technician has repaired the AC, the classroom still feels hot.


The Solution

To address the issue, we decided to install Pristinz Sunshield Film 5 (VLT 5%) to reduce the heat that gets in the way of students' learning.


The Result

Glare and heat drastically reduced.


See the full footage of Pristinz Sunshield Film installation for Global Prestasi School.


PDW Architects Office